Smooth Financial Criminal

Jim Boutcher

Financial Crime is an everyday occurrence. Whether it is fraud (where you aren't doing anything) or a scam (where you aren't doing what you think you are doing), it happens every hour of every day. Literally, I assure you.

These are some numbers to call if you believe you are the victim of fraud - not the number that the nice gentleman on the phone says to call.
ANZ 0800 269 348 (+64 4 499 4079 from overseas, charges may apply)
ASB 0800 ASB FRAUD (0800 272 372) or +64 9 306 3000
BNZ 0800 735 901
Kiwibank  0800 521 521
Westpac 0800 888 111

If you receive a call from a fraud team, then let them identify themselves to you. They called you, so they know your name and details already. And if they don't, don't trust 'em.

Any doubts, hang up and call the relevant number above.

There are active fraud campaigns where they claim to be from your bank or Visa and they have seen a fraud transaction. Check your accounts in your app or internet banking. If there's no transaction then you are clear to hang up and call at your leisure. Your vulnerabilities will be blocked by the bank and any risk is on them.

No-one is immune to financial crime. They just haven't been a victim yet.

So that's the fundamentals. It's serious stuff. The money can go to very bad people, and we don't want that. Trust your bank's fraud team. They want you to win.


Jim Boutcher Twitter

I'm a professional fraud-stopper, without doubt the most excellent role in a varied databasey career. I also have a kind of entrepreneurial thing aimed at taking away all the barriers to giving.

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